We proudly
proclaim Lou Chauvin "Father of the
Martina would like to thank Lou for all the times
when parents asked him to take care of their
children for a night...and that one night turned
into two weeks. Lou, you loved our kids; you fed our
kids. You treated them all as if they were your own.
You kept them safe. You never said no when your
neighbors stopped by in the early a.m. or in the
middle of the night with their kids and a story.
Trish Kenney says, "Going to work as a single parent with young
children was one of the most difficult things I had
to do. I felt that only I could give my kids the
unconditional love they needed. Not so. One person I
would like to thank is Lou Chauvin. Lou is the soul
parent of many of the kids in our neighborhood. Lou,
love that my girls got to know you when they were
"I would like to express my thanks to Lou in
the telling of an incident that happened when Caitlin
and Lacey were three or four years old. Lou was
taking care of the twins during my substitute
teaching days. When I went to pick them up from
Lou's house after school, Caitlin was sitting on a
chair watching Lou wash the dishes. Caitlin reached
over, patted Lou's arm and said, "Lou you're
beautiful." I have always thought so too.
"Thank you, Lou, for making it
possible for the rest of the teachers in our community to be able to go to work in peace."
Laurie Prouty stated, "Lou was a real father to Seth while he was
growing up. Knowing that Lou was always there for Seth
was great; it was very reassuring to know that my child would be
fed and cared for. We called him "Uncle Lou,"
and he was everybody's favorite uncle. Lou provided for
the kids every time they were around, always feeding them,
driving them wherever they needed to go, and never
complaining about how many times he had already
driven to town. (Fortunantly Lou always had a good
book he was reading and would patiently wait in the
car). Thank you, Lou, for making my job of parenting
so much easier."
Another local, John Meengs said, "Chad loved to eat. Always
did. And he always
knew where to go when he was hungry."
Thank you, Lou, for supporting all the kids of
the neighborhood.

Lou was involved with the Josephine County
Planning Office for many years, only resigning when the drive to
Grants Pass became difficult for him. He received a
letter of appreciation from Michael Snider, Josephine County
Planning Commissioner, honoring him for a job well
done. Here is an excerpt from that letter:
"Dear Lou, I am disappointed to receive your
letter of resignation from the Planning Commission!
I certainly understand your reasons but damn it!
Lou, I have greatly enjoyed your presence and
personality on the commission, and your clear
thinking and straight ahead approach to land use
problems. You have served the citizens of Josephine
County very well. I know all of us will miss your
service. By the way, you remind me of an Eagle,
making your nest in high places." Your friend,
Michael Snider, Josephine County Planning Commisioner.