to everyone:
So that you may know a little bit about me, I am putting a
couple of stories I wrote a few years ago on my page. As I
can, I will be adding another more stories of my life. Thanks for coming to our
website and for reading my stories.
If you'd like to
discuss anything I have written here, you can contact me
at martinagardens@yahoo.com
or at mgoodwoman@yahoo.com
Blessings to you all,
Mar Goodman
Takilma, Oregon
Step by
Step, A Bittersweet Life is
the story of life with my son Ian, who had a brain injury
on the Fall Equinox, 1989, when he was 9 weeks old. It
begins like this: "Mothering my younger son, Ian
Christopher, has been a call to let go of a dream, yet
continue to hold a vision. It has presented me a life that
I have come to look upon as bittersweet. I find it
interesting that “bittersweet?is the particular word
that emerges here, since it has always been my favorite
kind of chocolate, both of the opposing qualities being
necessary for its perfection." To read the whole
story, click here.
Singing Man, A Christmas Story
is a story I wrote one Christmas time after taking
Ian to town to do a simple chore: mail a package at the
post office. Ian is a challenge to travel with or to take
into public, especially when you are alone with him. When
we went to town on this particular day, I was at a point
of my life where I could not take him out easily. It was
just too stressful and upsetting to me. But this day was
different; I needed to mail that package, and so we went
for a ride together and mailed the package. To read this
story, click here.
Stories 3