Martina's Awards Lou Chauvin is "Father of the Decade"
(2008) Martina would like to honor Lou Chauvin of Takilma, Oregon as Father of the Decade. We want to thank him for the many times when local parents asked him to take care of their children for a night . . . and that one night turned into two weeks.
Click here for whole story.
Martina's Special Projects
We have had several special projects over the years: The Book Drive, Vision for Africa, and the Turkey Giveaway. The Book Drive:
Click here for the article. Vision for Africa: (6/30/06) Martina's goal was to collect 10,000 pairs of eye glasses to give the gift of vision to the people of Africa. Many pairs of eyeglasses came in, and Tina
had an eye doctor check each pair and list the prescription. Then
she personally delivered many of them in Sudan in the spring of 2007. Thanks to all who contributed in any way to the success of our Vision for Africa project.
Click here for original newspaper article. Vision for Africa Update: (8/14/06) After a couple of months, a new article gave an update on our project. Click here for update article.
Watch the video:
(2011) The rest of the glasses were delivered to
Uganda in 2011. You can see Tina's friend, Dr Litwiller, presenting
the glasses here:
The Turkey Giveaway: On 11/20/06, Martina and her crew distributed 50-60 free turkeys to citizens of the Illinois Valley. Donated by businesses and private citizens of the Illinois Valley, the turkeys were received gratefully by a large group of people who represented many families and people of all ages and abilities. Martina says "Thanks so much" to all who participated. |