Bring the soothing scent of the Pacific
Northwest forest into your home. Our
hand-blended ingredients are organically
grown or wild crafted and the fragrance is
fresh and woodsy.
Tips for use:
**Add a scoop of our
potpourri to boiling water and simmer on the
stovetop to freshen your environment..
**Burn ceremonially
or use as incense.
as a great room
freshener for the holidays or air freshener
in your car.
**Add your own
ingredients to our
**Place potpourri into a handkerchief and tie with a
ribbon to make a lovely, aromatic sachet
Cedar tips and shavings. Known
as the Tree of Immortality, cedar is
used to symbolize fertility,
abundance, and spiritual
shavings. Myrtle is associated with joy, peace,
tranquility, happiness, constancy, victory, and the
feminine principle.
shavings. Redwood represents sacred wisdom and truth.
Bay Laurel
leaves are associated with renewal, honor, courage, and
immortality. They bring protection, energy, and joy.
flowers represent loyalty, undying love, tenderness, and
kindness. Lavender's scent is said to protect and bring
peace and healing.
Rosemary. A
plant of fidelity, devotion, and everlasting love. They
say that wherever rosemary grows well in a garden, a woman
will be master of the house.
$6.00 for a 2 oz bag
do not add essential oils or preservatives.
Our potpourri is shipped in biodegradable, clear, vegetable
cellulose bags to avoid the smell of
plastic. Store in a covered jar. |
Sweet dreams are made of this.
We also sell
our potpourri in organza sachets. Put one
under your pillow, in your linen closet, or
with your lingerie. Can be used as a wedding
or party accessory, or for a unique memento to
give your guests. We can make specialized
labels for any purpose and add them to your sachets.
Attention Lodges/Hotels: The sachet adds a
touch of class to each room, and it is a
stylish business card. Your guests will take
it home and always remember you. Contact us for more information. |